Nuevo número de: «Imago Temporis». 15 (2021)


Religious and political identity in medieval Europe: purity of faith and heresy
Mitre, Emilio

Ernst H. Kantorowicz’s phases of medieval rulership
Puigarnau, Alfons

Fishing in the island of Majorca in the Middle Ages (1230-1521): state of the art and initial results of an ongoing research
[La pesca a l’illa de Mallorca durante l’Edad Mitjana (1230-1521): estat de la qüestió i primers resultats d’una recerca en curs]
Barceló Crespí, Maria; Mas Forners, Antoni

Harvesting in holy waters: an overview of fishery in Portugal in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern times
Costa Dominguez, Rodrigo da

Fishing, consumption, and processing of fish and shellfish in the eastern Adriatic through the long Middle Ages
Florence Fabijanec, Sabine

Lamprey and herring
Freedman, Paul

Fishing in medieval Valencia
Aparisi Romero, Frederic 

Fishing the Thames estuary in the Later Middle Ages: environment, technology and the metropolitan market for fish c. 1250-1550
Galloway, James A.

Public law and its techniques: semantic adaptations in catalan legal practice (13th-14th centuries)
[O direito público e sua técnica: adaptações semânticas na prática legal català (s. XIII-XV)]
Tostes, Rogelio 

Papal arbitration? Alexander VI and the portuguese and spanish discoveries of he 15th century
[¿Arbitraje papel? Alejandro VI y los descubrimientos luso-castellanos del siglo XV]
Rojas Donat, Luis 

Measuring and making the world: self-promotion, cosmology and elite appeal in filarete’s libro architettonico
Guzik, Helena 

How to make your medieval research more visible with open scholarship methods and tools
Wuttke, Ulrike; Gebert, Björn 

Factions and nations: identity and identification in the historical video games set in the Middle Ages
[Facciones y naciones: identidad e identificación en los videojuegos históricos ambientados en la Edad Media]
Jiménez Alcázar, Juan Francisco

Provision and consumption of fish in a catalan inland city during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth centuries: the case of Lleida
Roca Cabau, Guillem 

Power, monarchy and nobility on the frontiers of the crown of Aragon. The dispute between James I and Blasco de Alagón for the town of Morella (1231-1239)
Royo Pérez, Vicent 


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