Doctoral School “Comparative Diplomatics”. 6-10 mayo 2024. Roma

Doctoral School “Comparative Diplomatics
6-10 de mayo de 2024

Organized by the École Française de Rome (DiploMA program), IRHT-UPR841 (CNRS), UCLouvain (FNRS) and Università di Roma – La Sapienza

Paul Bertrand, Arianna d’Ottone, Antonella Ghignoli

The history of diplomatic writing and its practices is not only a research theme widely explored in recent years; it is also a critical framework necessary for successfully conducting doctoral research on medieval archives. This doctoral school offers training in diplomatics, the history of scriptuality, production, use, and conservation of practical and pragmatic writing in the Middle Ages for doctoral students seeking to strengthen their knowledge. The program will cover documentary typology (charters, recording and copying, administrative and management documents), the history of writing practices, and diplomacy in a broader sense.

A distinctive feature of this school is its deliberate connection to the crossroads of written cultures in the Mediterranean basin. It aims not only to approach Latin or European vernacular diplomatic writing but also all other diplomatic written cultures on an equal footing: Byzantine, Muslim, Hebrew, African (especially Ethiopian). The objectives are manifold: establish contact between diplomatic cultures, enable comparisons, open researchers to exchange and questioning of pre-established frameworks and paradigms based on this confrontation, and promote an open understanding of DIPLOMA – DIPLOMATICS IN MEDITERRANEAN AREA written cultures around the Mediterranean.

For each culture, training will be provided by internationally renowned specialists, in English. Time for presenting the projects of doctoral students will alternate with training sessions and scientific visits. The training will be offered to selected participants based on their applications. They will receive free accommodation during the doctoral school, and their travel expenses will be partially reimbursed.

Candidates are requested to submit their applications with a letter of motivation, a CV, and their thesis project (whether in the initial stages or in progress) to the following address: before January 31, 2024. There are no prerequisites for knowledge of ancient languages, except for the specific field in which the doctoral student intends to conduct their thesis. The scientific committee of the doctoral school, composed of various trainers, will establish a list of selected candidates. Successful candidates will be notified in early February 2024.

Schedule (provisional)

6 May
Presentation of the Doctoral School
– Introduction Paul Bertrand and Arianna D’Ottone: La diplomatique : histoire et evolution
– Tour de table
– 3 Presentations of doctoral students

7 May
Latin Diplomatics: Paul Bertrand & Dario Internullo & Maria Cristina Rossi
– Dario Internullo: Frammenti di cultura mediterranea: i documenti di papiro e l’archivio arcivescovile di Ravenna (secoli V-IX)
– Maria Cristina Rossi: Scrivere documenti nell’Italia dei secoli XI e XII. L’esempio di Pisa.
– Paul Bertrand: Les pratiques de l’écrit documentaire latin dans l’Europe du nord, 9 -15 s.
– 3 presentations of doctoral students
– Visit Istituto Italiano per il Medio-Evo

Islamic Diplomatics: Arianna D’Ottone & Jeremy Johns & Nadia Jamil
– Arianna D’Ottone: Arabic Documents in the East: the case of the Egyptian Genizah and the Syrian Qubbat al-khazna. History and Texts; arabic Documents in the West: the Qurra Papyri and Beyond. History and Texts.
– Jeremy Johns & Nadia Jamil: Documenti giuridici islamici dalla Sicilia kalbita e normanna e Documenti arabi dell’amministrazione normanno di Sicilia (italian or english)

8 May
Byzantine Diplomatics: Vivien Prigent & Guilhem Dorandeu & Cristina Rognoni
– Cristina Rognoni: I documenti della prassi giuridica a Bisanzio, in Italia meridionale e in Sicilia: materiali per un confronto.
– Vivien Prigent: L’apport des bulles diplomatiques à la connaissance de l’administration byzantine
– Guilhem Dorandeu: Pragmatique diplomatique et sigillographique (Italie méridionale 8 -12 s.).
– Visits

9 May
Hebrew Diplomatics Judith Schlanger & Javier Castaño
– Judith Schlanger: Les documents hébraïques de la Genizah du Caire et de l’Europe du Nord
– Javier Castaño: Hebrew documents and Jewish documentary practices in pre-notarial and notarial contexts in medieval Iberia.
– 3 + 3 presentations of doctoral students

10 may
African Diplomatics Anaïs Wion & Alessandro Bausi
– Alessandro Bausi: I testi documentari etiopici: premesse, contesto e linee di storia della ricerca
– Anaïs Wion: Regional archival centers and their role in the making of the Ethiopian Christian state. From the Golden Gospels to the historical compilation: various modes of preserving and valorising pragmatic documents in Ethiopia (15th-18th c.)


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