Mattia C. Chiriatti y Carmen TRILLO SAN JOSÉ (eds.)
In and Out of the City. Female Environments, Relations and Dynamics of Space (400-1500)
Series: Contexts of Ancient and Medieval Anthropology, Vol. 4, Brill Schöningh, 2024
ISBN: 987-3-506-79147-4
Mattia C. Chiriatti, Carmen Trillo San José
1. Dentro y fuera de Constantinopla: Elia Verina y Elia Ariadna en la Corte Leónica (457-518)
Mattia C. Chiriatti, Elena Tina Uceda
2. L´Elezione del Patriarca Ignazio (849): l´Imperatrice Teodora II nella Politica Eclesiastica Bizantina
Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón
Northern and Central Europe
3. Seclusion Spaces during the First Centuries of Female Ascetisme
Jordina Sales-Carbonell, Marta Sancho i Planas
4. Luchas de poder en la Galia Merovingia: Oposición y Confrontción entre Reinas y Obispos
Pablo Poveda Arias
5. Networking, Power an Gender in Anglo-Saxon Religios Life: Abbes Aethelthryth of Ely in Bede´s Work
Clelia Martínez Maza
Iberia and the Mediterranean
6. Les très Puissantes Dames de Saint-Pierre. Premiers Jalons pour une Histoire de l´Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Lyon (VIe-XVIe s.)
Sylvie Duval
7. The King Away from Court, the Queen in His Place. Castile, 12th-15th Centuries
Diana Pelaz Flores
8. Women, Trust and the Politics of Space in Thirteenth-Century Iberia
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo
9. The keadership of Doña María de Quesada in the banderías of the Fajardo (kingdom of Murcia, mid-15th century)
María Martínez Martínez
Islam in the West
10. El Poder en la Sombra. Las Sultanas y el Harén en la Corte Nazarí de Granada (siglos XIII-XV)
María Mercedes Delgado Pérez
11. Nasrid Womwn Inside and Outside Madina Garnata Wealth and Influence
Carmen Trillo San José