Nueva publicación: «Rulers as Authors in the Islamic World. Knowledge, Authority and Legitimacy», de Maribel Fierro, Sonja Brentjes y Tilman Seidensticker (eds.)


Maribel Fierro, Sonja Brentjes y Tilman Seidensticker (eds.)
Rulers as Authors in the Islamic World. Knowledge, Authority and Legitimacy
Leiden, Brill, 2024
ISBN: 978-90-04-69061-5

¿Hasta qué punto estaba extendida la autoría entre los gobernantes del mundo islámico premoderno? En este libro se analizan los escritos de distintos tipos de gobernantes en diferentes regiones y periodos, desde los primeros siglos en las tierras centrales del Islam hasta el Sudán del siglo XIX. La composición de poesía aparece como el ámbito más fértil de autoría entre los gobernantes. Los escritos en prosa muestran una gran variedad, desde la astrología a la elaboración de libros, pasando por la autobiografía y los credos. Algunos de los gobernantes reivindicaban conocimientos especiales, pero en todos los casos la autoría desempeñaba un papel especial en la construcción de la autoridad y la legitimidad de los gobernantes.


List of Figures
List of Tables
Notes on Contributors

Maribel Fierro, Sonja Brentjes and Tilman Seidensticker

Part 1 The Early Period

Rulers as Authors: ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib and the Other Twelver Imams
Teresa Bernheimer

Eloquent Exchange: Asceticism and Shirāʾ in the Poetry of Qaṭarī b. al-Fujāʾa
Adam Gaiser

A ‘Rediscovered’ Letter of the Umayyad Caliph ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (r. 99–101/717–720)
Caliphal Authorship and Legal Authority in al-Risāla fī l-fayʾ
Sean W. Anthony

Abbasid Rulers and Their Standing as Authors
Letizia Osti

Part 2 Caliphs and Messianic Figures

Zaydī Rulers as Authors: A Quest for Legitimacy
Maher Jarrar

The Caliph al-Qādir bi-llāh and the Qādirī Creed
Livnat Holtzman

Do Caliphs Write? The View from the Islamic West
María Luisa Ávila † and Maribel Fierro

Authority, ijāzāt and Politics: Caliph al-Nāṣir li-Dīn Allāh’s Kitāb Rūḥ al-ʿārifīn (7Th/13th Century, Baghdad)
Angelika Hartmann †

The Pen and the Sword: The Case of the Sudanese Mahdi (1844–1885)
Ahmed Ibrahim Abushouk and Robert S. Kramer

Part 3 Emirs and Sultans

Entre l’épée et le calame : Abū l-Fidāʾ, prince et savant ayyoubide
Anne-Marie Eddé

The Quatrains of Toghrïl III. Some Reflections about the Literacy and Culture of the Saljuqs
David Durand-Guédy

Royal Quatrains: Rulers of the Anūshteginid Line of Khwārazmshāhs as Poets
Jürgen Paul

Rulers as Authors in 13th-Century Yemen: the Oeuvre of al-Ashraf ʿUmar
Petra Schmidl

Non-caliphal Rulers and Their Writings in the Islamic West (2nd–9th/8th–15th Centuries)
Maribel Fierro

Legitimating Sultanic Rule in Arabic, Turkish and Persian—Late Mamluk Rulers as Authors of Religious Poetry
Christian Mauder

Part 4 The Great Empires: Timurids-Mughals, Ottomans, Safavids

The Ottoman Ruler Poet Sultan Süleyman I, His Third Divan, and His Reception beyond the Palace Walls
Christiane Czygan

The Power of Poetry in the Ottoman Context
Fatma Sinem Eryılmaz

Timurid-Mughal Philosopher-Kings as Sultan-Scientists
Matthew Melvin-Koushki

Shah Ṭahmāsp and the Taẕkira: A Sixteenth-Century Ruler’s Justification of His Policies
Philip Bockholt


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